Paragraph On Pollution In English 150, 200, 250, 300 Words For Students And Children's

Pollution !
Pollution is a mixture of harmful substances known as pollutants with natural environmental components. There are various forms of pollution, such as water pollution, land pollution, air pollution, and soil pollution. It shows us differently, it has a dangerous effect on our environment. 

Paragraph on Pollution (100 Word)
Pollution involves unwanted substances in our environment that can harm our earth. There are 4 main types of pollution; Water pollution, air pollution, soil pollution and noise pollution. All types of pollution are the result of careless activities by humans. We dump the wastes directly into the water bodies, resulting in water pollution. Air pollution occurs when vehicles release smoke into the atmosphere and make it difficult for all organisms to breathe. Soil pollution is caused by dumping our waste directly into the landfill. Noise pollution is not visible, but it is a dangerous form of pollution that can harm our ears.

Paragraph on Pollution (150 Word)
Pollution is a threat to our environment and is caused by the reckless attitude of man towards nature. Our Earth provides us with food and shelter, whereas we treat it mercilessly and plunder its resources. Pollution is a direct result of our greed. We dump waste into our water bodies without caring for the organisms living in them. The balance of various gases in the atmosphere has been disrupted because of the large number of vehicles plying on the road. Even factories that release harmful gases into the atmosphere contribute to air pollution. When we do excessive and uncontrolled farming on a piece of land, it loses its natural minerals. So, when we use fertilizers to boost their productivity, it pollutes the soil. Noise pollution is caused by factories, jets, airplanes, etc. It harms our ears and can impair hearing.

Paragraph on Pollution (200 Word)
Pollution has spoiled the natural order of our ecosystems and brought enormous consequences for the inhabitants of the Earth. The main causes of pollution are uncontrolled and illegal activities that misuse natural resources and do not follow the guidelines laid down by pollution control boards across the country. Anything caused by pollution is known as a pollutant. It can also be a solid, pour or gas. No matter what the pollutant is in, if it is left uncontrolled, our natural ecosystem can be adversely affected.

Water pollution constitutes a major category of pollution and has become an urgent crisis in many countries. We cannot live without water. Therefore, when most of the water bodies dry up or stagnate, the human population will be exhausted. The next major form of pollution is air pollution. This is mainly due to poisonous simulations emanating from vehicles and burning of coal for electricity.

 In tropical forests, soil pollution has increased unexpectedly in recent times due to large-scale deforestation and illegal farming activities. Another important overlooked form of pollution is noise pollution. High decibel noise emanating from jets and airplanes contribute to noise pollution. It damages our ears and, in extreme cases, causes deafness.

Paragraph on pollution (250-300 Word)
The natural systems of the world that were acting as sinks because the Earth is formed in disarray. This can be attributed to the exploitation of natural resources by humans. We, occupying the uppermost level on the ecological pyramid, must be environmentally conscious. Pollution has been a burning issue for the last 110 years, but little has been done to take steps towards rebuilding our ecosystem and protecting it from the brink of collapse.

The Earth is in constant motion, the principles of nature teach us that we should not disrupt the cohesion of different levels of the ecosystem. Diverting from natural processes can have devastating long-term effects that will push the entire Earth towards mass destruction. Pollutants must be identified and dealt with effectively to draw one final saving grace for our cohorts. It should be kept in mind that pollutants are not always toxins. Any unwanted substance that can disrupt the functioning of a natural system can be classified as a pollutant.

Some pollutants have no shape. For example, a slight increase in temperature in our atmosphere for a short period of time will not have a significant effect, but the same amount of temperature increase in a water body will kill organisms. Here, temperature is a pollutant for the water body. 

There are also some invisible pollutants such as noise. Until the late 1970s, pollution was not recognized as pollution. In 1972, it was recognized as an important form of pollution by the United States Pollution Control Board. Noise pollution is the most difficult to deal with, as it does not have any specific guidelines. 

Partying your neighbor in the middle of the night with stereo blasting music at a dangerously high level is also subject to noise pollution. A deep sense of responsibility towards nature and empathy for all living creatures on Earth will go a long way in saving our planet from destruction.